
Essential Oil, Lavender 10ml Roll On

Pure lavender essential oil, grown & distilled in New Zealand by Lavender Magic

Bites, burns, stings, sleep aid - roll it on!  Lavender essential oil is one of the most commonly used oils for aromatherapy, home health and natural medicine. It's been called a universal oil because it balances the body and is known to work wherever there is a need. It is often referred to as a medicine chest in a bottle.  This handy roll-on is great to keep in your purse, your glove box, your bedroom or kitchen.

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Lavender Magic

Lavender Magic - Natural skincare products, such as balms, creams, soaps and sprays, free from harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances or colours. Lavender Magic products are made locally, containing our very own award winning essential oil, with your needs in mind.